News articles about COVID-19 include technical terms, such as antigens, cytokine storm, and neutralizing antibodies. A basic understanding of the immune system is now essential to navigating through the pandemic.

How can scientists create a vaccine that is enough like the active pathogen to prompt the immune system to make protective response without actually causing illness? Different vaccine platforms meet this challenge.
A Personal Perspective

When her breathing worsened, Judy’s pulmonologist urged her to consider transplant and be evaluated sooner rather than later. Lung transplant offers patients with end-stage disease hope of a meaningful extension of their lives.
A Personal Perspective

When asked how the situation could be improved, Jamie replies, “In a word: transparency. There needs to be information on what equipment is available, how to use it, and what Medicare pays for.”
Disease Basics

IPF is a lung disease that causes scar tissue to build up in the lungs causing symptoms, such as fatigue, breathlessness, and a dry cough. IPF is progressive, which means that it tends to get worse over time.
IPF and PF-ILD Clinical Trials

New IPF or PF-ILD experimental drugs have entered phase 3 clinical trials: BI 1015550, inhaled treprostinil, and BMS-986278. Having shown promise for treatment, they are being tested for efficacy in a larger number of patients.
Cape Cod ILD Support Group

The Cape Cod PF Support Group meetings are designed to offer support in daily life with pulmonary fibrosis and promote community ties. They are tailored to the unique needs of Cape Cod patients and caregivers.
Boston PF Support Group

The Boston PF Support Group provides patients and caregivers living with pulmonary fibrosis of any kind a place to learn about how to live with pulmonary fibrosis and to teach each other from personal experience.
IPF Patient Journey

Pulmonary rehabilitation helps people with chronic lung diseases improve their quality of life and reduce their disease symptoms. The article discusses the benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation for people with IPF.
IPF Patient Journey

People with IPF are usually told at some point in time that they qualify for supplemental oxygen therapy. The doctor will recommend starting oxygen therapy when someone’s oxygen saturation is too low.
Diagnosis and Treatment

A variety of tests done at the time of diagnosis are used to assess disease stage. They are repeated after certain time periods and the results can help show if a person’s disease stayed stable, or if it progressed.
Diagnosis and Treatment

When two or more members of the same biological family are diagnosed with ILD, it is called “familial ILD.” This article explains the basics of disease genetics in familial ILD, and offers an a understanding of risk factors.